Sunday 8 January 2017

Our 4th Season Begins

Hot, Hot, Hot in Mazatlan!!!

Kim, Douglas and I arrived at our boat at Mazatlan Marina on October 26th. It was very hot and humid until around mid November, and I was really wishing we had timed our return for at least a month later. It took us a few days to get the boat in order, but as soon as it was ready, we moved our floating home back to Marina El Cid. It was so nice to jump into the cooler of the two pools, and we found real comfort inside the cave there as well, out of the sun and extreme heat.  Luckily for us, friends loaned us their portable 10,000 BTU Air Conditioner and it honestly made the first 6 weeks here bearable.

Marina El Cid

Kim and Douglas cooling off in the very warm Pacific Ocean

Out and About

Most of our friends returned to Mazatlan in October and November, so we resumed our 'winter' lifestyle right away. Douglas and I enjoy our daily 5 km walks, Kim and I play pool volleyball daily, Texas Hold'em weekly, games of Uno, lots of outings to try new restaurants as well as the tried and true restaurants, Dock parties, Room parties, Shopping excursions, pedicures at Gaby's Salon, Sailing our boat to Deer Island and to Stone Island, and the list just goes on and on.  People have asked what we do here day after day for months on end and I can honestly say, there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything we'd like.  The days, weeks and months fly by!  At some point I'd love to find the time to take Spanish lessons by the pool, and maybe join in on the water aerobics too.

Some members of our 5k morning walking group
Tom, Andy, Joanne, Donna, Sandy, Lane, Vicky, Jackie, Jan and Douglas

Our walking group changes from day-to-day as people come and go
Donna and Eva on our morning 5k walk

Friendly ferrel cats - we fed them on our 5k walks

Such a sweet ferrel cat
Ferrel cats enjoying the food and water we brought them
Gaby's Salon for pedicures and pampering

Kim and Douglas watching Monday Night Football at La Mona Pizza

Watching Monday Night Football at La Mona Pizza - Douglas on Kim's lap

Lunch at La Catrina

Breakfast on the beach at Loco's Loco's

Playing Uno with friends at Mary's Restaurant

Gene, Marilyn, Gary, Barb and Kim playing Uno

Eva and Evelyn at a Mexican Art Show

Donna found some lovely earrings at the Mexican Art Show

Lunch and drinks at Pancho's after shopping at the Mexican Art Show
Jan, Donna, Barb, Evelyn and Eva

Barb enjoying a 'wicked' margarita at Pancho's

Jan at Macaws in Centro for drinks

Kim on top of the Best Western with cold beers ready to watch the sunset

Kim and Douglas enjoying the view from the top of the Best Western Hotel

Sunset from the top floor of the Best Western Hotel

Eva, Jan, Donna, Sandy, Lynne, Joanne and Jerry on our way to the Sunday morning
Juarez Market

Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Entrance

Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Pool

Kim enjoying a swim in the Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Pool

Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Infinity Pool

Kim and Jan cooling off in the Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Infinity Pool

Fun in the sun

Kim and Rene having cold beers at Marina Mazatlan Beach Club

Leif and Eva enjoying the Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Open House

Kim and Rene at the Marina Mazatlan Beach Club Open House

Barb at Thanksgiving Dinner at La Marina Restaurant - 25 of us attended!

Gary and Marilyn popping by our boat for a visit

Monday Night Football at La Catrina's for 15 peso beer ($1 cdn)

Pool volleyball at Marina El Cid

Pool volleyball at Marina El Cid

Kim and Douglas at Plaza Machado in the heart of the Centro Historic area
just before Christmas 

Marilyn and Gary on their motorcycle/sidecar in Centro

Gary taking Kim and Douglas for a ride on his motorcycle/sidecar

Jan, Olinkah, Joanne, Marilyn, Linda, Barb, Eva, Donna and Debbie
at the Christmas Charity Breakfast

Marilyn and Gary arriving in their dinghy to Eva and Rene's Christmas Party
- we thought they were sinking  ha ha ha

Eva and Rene hosting their Christmas Party on December 18, 2016
Russ, Eva and Rene 

Eva and Rene's guests

Eva and Rene's Christmas Party
Andy, Barb and Debbie

Barb, Debbie and Donna at Eva and Rene's Christmas Party

Dinner at Italian Restaurant 'Raggio'
Gene, Barb, Marilyn, Gary, Jan, Rene, Eva, Tina and Luc

Eva delivering her delicious home made Christmas goodies to us

Dental work in Mexico?

A new experience for me this time included visits to the Dentist to get my teeth cleaned, a crown replaced, and a brand new crown as well. I was a bit nervous about getting the work done in Mexico but many of my friends assured me the Dentists are highly skilled, their equipment is top notch, and their offices are spotless. They were right! I got the work done for 1/3 of the price I was quoted back home, and I'm very pleased with the result.

Douglas injured his right knee

A few weeks ago Douglas was chasing his ball when he started yelping in pain. He had injured his right hind knee. We rushed him to the vet and learned he had pulled the tendon away from his knee. The vet spoke fluent English plus he opened his medical book to show us, with pictures, exactly what the problem was. He prescribed anti-inflammatory medication for 5 days along with strict instructions that Douglas was not to run, jump or manoeuvre stairs. He said it would most likely heal on its own but if not, he would need surgery. I'm so happy to report Douglas is doing much, much better already. He's walking normally again but still tends to favour the injured knee from time to time. We're making sure he doesn't overdo it though, so given time, we expect he will have a full recovery.

Christmas and New Year Celebration Plans

We had loads of plans to keep us busy over the festive season. We climbed Faro Lighthouse then went to Stone Island for lunch with our friends Luc and Tina on Christmas Eve day.  Our friends, Joanne and Andy, invited us to their Christmas open house in their hotel room on Christmas Day. After that Eva and Rene invited us aboard their boat, Babeeze, for Christmas dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. On New Year's Eve our friends Luc and Tina invited us to their condo for a 'New Years Eve in Paris' celebration.  The meal and dessert were so delicious!  After that we were invited to stop by Donna and Sandy's room for a sip of champagne to bring in the New Year.  We are so fortunate to have made so many good friends here. I find being apart from my family especially hard at Christmas, so good friends really help.

Christmas Eve Day at Faro Lighthouse and Stone Island

Luc, Tina, Jan and Douglas about to climb Faro Lighthouse

Kim, Jan, Douglas, Tina and Luc at the top of Faro Lighthouse
- gorgeous views!

Kim, Luc and Tina on the Panga on the way to Stone Island
- time to rest up at the beach after our climb

Jan, Douglas, Luc and Tina arrived at Stone Island

Kim, Luc, Tina and Douglas enjoying the beach at Stone Island

Luc, Tina, Kim and Douglas having lunch at Lety's on Stone Island

Jan, Kim and Douglas on Stone Island
This is the life!

Christmas Day Gathering at Andy and Joanne's 

Andy and Joanne

Gene, Andy, Tom and Kim

Aboard 'Babeeze' for Christmas Dinner

Kim and Tina aboard Eva and Rene's boat 'Babeeze' for Christmas Dinner

Luc aboard Babeeze for Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner was served aboard Babeeze
Turkey and all the trimmings!

Christmas dinner aboard Eva and Rene's boat 'Babeeze'
The food was delicious and the company was wonderful

New Year's Eve celebration at Luc and Tina's

Eva, Marilyn, Gary and Luc

Bev, Tina, Bob and Rene 

Kim, Eva, Marilyn, Gary and Luc

View from Luc and Tina's rental condo - beautiful!

Kim, Douglas, Luc and Moose

Kim, Luc, Bob, Rene, Eva and Marilyn at the table
Bev, Tina and Gary standing

The wine was flowing on New Year's Eve

Moose and Douglas getting to know each other
Moose is just 3 months old - Luc and Tina rescued him here in Mazatlan

What a cutie!  Look at those ears!

Moose and Douglas getting along very well

New Year's Eve celebration at Donna and Sandy's

Jackie, Donna and Debbie
Tom, Leif and Sandy

Joanne and Andy celebrating the start of the New Year, and their
30th Wedding Anniversary!

What's Next?

We are looking forward to visits from Kim's daughter, Amy, and 2 grandchildren, Jessica and Connor, on January 19th for a week. I've already made pedicure appointments for Amy, Jessica and myself at Gaby's Salon.  Some 'girl' time and pampering is in order. Kim's son, Jason, also arrives on January 22nd for 10 days. This time Amy, Jessica, Connor and Jason's visits overlap so we can spend time here all together.

That's about all the news for now so until next time, we wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017!

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